Dominate the Basics

"Dominate the Basics!"

This was our mantra in the 94th Engineer Battalion and a motto that has made a profound impact on my life and later used in my own command philosophy and a principle in how I strive to live my life.

If you want to take your life to the next level you must dominate the basics.

Dominate the Basics.

What does this mean?

Let's break it down.

Dominate: means to be in control or have the power to defeat. It means to command, exert mastery, and have complete control. Dominate is related to the word domain, meaning home. When you are the master of your home, you are in complete control over it. You have dominion over it.

Basic: The essential facts or principles of a subject or skill. It is the simplest and most important facts, elements, ideas, or things that are connected to something. Basic also means simple and not complicated. To be able to provide the base or starting point from which something can develop.

Dominating the Basics is having complete command and mastery over the essential principles. I love this from a mindset and leadership perspective. Any good coach will say you have to master the fundamentals. To be a chef you have to be a good cook. It’s understanding the fundamentals and mastery of them that you gain the ability to dominate.

If you want to upgrade your life, you must master the basics. Here is an acronym I learned in the military: BASIC and applies to daily life.

Be on Time: Don’t be late. Did you come to the meeting unprepared? Without pen and paper?

Actually There: Be present. Don’t just be physically there but be focused with your head in the game. It’s not in the cloud thinking about football or scrolling on social media.

Serve: Be of use and contribute to something greater than yourself. Serve the team, not your ego. Humans are designed to create and be of service to others. Give more than you take.

In the Right Uniform: Personal appearance and being prepared to operate in the operational environment you find yourself. Read the room and be appropriate. If you have to wear a tie, don’t complain, wear the damn tie and quit making it about you. Have the right gear and equipment and don’t be a burden on others because you didn’t show up prepared.

Competence: The most important aspect of mastering the basics. Whatever your vocation you must be abreast of the latest information and be physically prepared. Whatever your vocation- understand the skills you must master. Study hard, practice, and rehearse. To be a chef, you must first learn to be a cook.

Security: When patrolling you do not eat or sleep until the perimeter is secure. Protect yourself, rely on yourself. Be physically, mentally, and financially prepared for anything. Know how to defend yourself and your family. Get your house in order.

Where people go wrong is they want to take shortcuts. They want to get to the sexy stuff. They want to overcomplicate things. The "yeah, yeah, yeah guy or gal who knows everything."

The slight edge difference between those who achieve at the highest level vs everyone else is being able to do the routine things, routinely well.



P.S. One of my favorite shirts in the DHT gear shop is the "Dominate" shirt. It's been a best seller.


Chasing happiness is a losing race.

